European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in adult education.
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The project will develop the idea of treating European heritage as a “pedagogical and integration tool”. European heritage will be perceived as a carrier of important knowledge and common values. Project participants will receive knowledge about this vast heritage of Europe and understand that diversity is Europe’s richness and strength. Through exploring and experiencing their shared cultural heritage inside and outside the classroom, adult and senior learners will come to realize that their various identities – be they local, regional or national – can complement, enrich and strengthen each other and co-exist with and within a European identity. This attitude will contribute to European integration as a social value will affect the cultural sensitivity of the European community.
The aim is to encourage people to explore Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, and to reflect on the place it occupies in all our lives. Through this focus, the project aims to enable them to become the caretakers and guardians of our cultural heritage in the future.Both adult and senior students will participate in local and international project activities and benefit from adding solidity to their European identity.
13 months
Exchange of Good Practices
The European Heritage Label is a recognition awarded by the European Union to buildings, documents, museums, archives, monuments or events which are seen as milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. The program is managed by the European Commission.