By Jennifer Meléndez-Luces, ESID Liceo La Paz, Spain
Full of energy, ESID Liceo La Paz embarks on a new adventure. An adventure that will open the doors of Europe and its cultural heritage to hundreds of students in order to awaken in them the democratic values on which the pillars of our great and admirable Europe sit. For this reason, the title of this project headed by Kontakt (EDYSYSTEM Sp. Zoo), could not be other than “Teach Europe. European cultural heritage as a pedagogical tool for integration in adult education,” (Let’s teach Europe. European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in adult education). A single title under which the pedagogical union of 4 cultural routes (Poland, United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain) is proposed in order to promote our culture and the ties – sometimes invisible – that unite our countries.
To that end and with a common purpose in mind, the four participating organisations will create pedagogical materials that will allow us to disseminate our cultural heritage as well as train our team and teachers to use European heritage as a key tool in the development of students. Likewise, we eagerly await the right moment to be able to take our project further and cross geographical borders safely.