Gastronomy of Easter in Galicia

Easter is approaching and thousands of believers and people who want to continue with the traditions participate every year in the different celebrations of Galicia. Float Bearers and members of the religious brotherhoods mingle with the devoted and tourists who attend these processions. The different acts begin with the procession on Friday of Dolores, the mass on Palm Sunday, the procession of the Holy Burial, the Soledad or the procession of Resurrection Sunday that parade through the Galician streets. The Ferrol or Viveiro processions, which are considered Festivals of International Tourist Interest, arouse great devotion.

Apart from that, when we talk about Easter, we must not forget the typical gastronomy of these dates. There are dishes such as cod with cauliflower, chickpeas with cod, “French toasts”, hot cross buns or Easter cake.

Historically, according to Christian tradition, during the time of Lent (forty days – which coincide with the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert) that goes from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday, fasting and abstinence was required every Friday in Lent. This fasting and this abstinence from eating meat would symbolise purification and would imitate the sacrifice of figures like Jesus. That is why, during these abstinence days, it is very typical in Galicia to eat cod with cauliflower or chickpeas with cod, to refrain from eating meat. Homemade “French toasts” or hot cross buns (a typical dish that was brought from the United Kingdom) are also traditional as Easter desserts. Last but not least, the famous Easter cake that according to tradition, the godparents should give the godchildren this delicacy.